<E CAPTION='Any character (.)' VALUE='.' DESC='A period (.) matches any character except the newline, e. g., ".umpty" matches either "Humpty" or "Dumpty."'>
<E CAPTION='Special character(\)' VALUE='\' DESC='Special characters are: <B>+ * ? . [ ^ $ ( ) { | \</B> Any character that is not a special character matches itself.'>
<E CAPTION='Inclusive set of characters ([])' VALUE='[]' DESC='A set of characters enclosed in brackets ([]) is a one-character RE that matches any of the characters in that set. For example "[akm]" matches either an "a", "k", or "m." A range of characters can be indicated with a dash. E.g., "[a-z]" matches any lowercase letter.'>
<E CAPTION='Exclusive set of characters ([^])' VALUE='[^]' DESC='A set of characters enclosed in brackets with a caret ([^ ]) is a one-character RE that matches any character except those in the set.'>
<E CAPTION='Range of characters (-)' VALUE='-' DESC='A range of characters can be indicated with a dash. E.g., "[a-z]" matches any lowercase letter.'>
<E CAPTION='Zero or one of (?)' VALUE='?' DESC='A one-character RE followed by a question mark (?) matches zero or one occurrences of the RE. Hence, xy?z matches either xyz or xz.'>
<E CAPTION='Zero or more of (*)' VALUE='*' DESC='A one-character RE followed by an asterisk (*) matches zero or more occurrences of the RE. Hence, [a-z]* matches zero or more lower-case characters.'>
<E CAPTION='One or more of (+)' VALUE='+' DESC='A one-character RE followed by a plus (+) matches one or more occurrences of the RE. Hence, [a-z]+ matches one or more lower-case characters.'>
<E CAPTION='One or other (|)' VALUE='|' DESC='The OR character (|) allows a choice between two regular expressions. For example, jell(y|ies) matches either "jelly" or "jellies."'>
<E CAPTION='Begins with (^)' VALUE='^' DESC='If the caret (^) is at the beginning of the (sub)expression, then the matched string must be at the beginning of the string being searched.'>
<E CAPTION='Ends with ($)' VALUE='$' DESC='If the dollar sign ($) is at the end of the (sub)expression, then the matched string must be at the end of the string being searched.'>
<E CAPTION='Compound Regular Expression ()' VALUE='()' DESC='Parentheses group parts of regular expressions together into sub-expressions that can be treated as a single unit. For example, (ha)+ matches one or more "ha."'>
<E CAPTION='9' VALUE='9' DESC='Optional digit placeholder. Same as _, but shows decimal places more clearly.'>
<E CAPTION='.' VALUE='.' DESC='Specifies the location of a mandatory decimal point.'>
<E CAPTION='0' VALUE='0' DESC='Located to the left or right of a mandatory decimal point, to force padding with zeros.'>
<E CAPTION='()' VALUE='()' DESC='Places parentheses around the mask if the number is less than 0.'>
<E CAPTION='+' VALUE='+' DESC='Places + in front of positive numbers, - (minus sign) in front of negative numbers.'>
<E CAPTION='-' VALUE='-' DESC='Place " " (space) in front of positive, - (minus sign) in front of negative numbers.'>
<E CAPTION=',' VALUE=',' DESC='Separates thousands with commas.'>
<E CAPTION='Left Justify (L)' VALUE='L' DESC='Specifies left-justify a number within the width of the mask column. L must appear as the first character of the mask. By default, numbers are right-justified.'>
<E CAPTION='Center (C)' VALUE='C' DESC='Specifies center-justify a number within the width of the mask column. C must appear as the first character of the mask. By default, numbers are right-justified.'>
<E CAPTION='$' VALUE='$' DESC='Places a dollar sign in front of the formatted number. $ must appear as the first character of the mask.'>
<E CAPTION='^' VALUE='^' DESC='Separates left from right formatting.'>
<E CAPTION='Division (/)' VALUE='/' DESC='Simple division.The right operand cannot be zero.'>
<E CAPTION='Modulus (MOD)' VALUE='MOD' DESC='Returns the remainder (modulus) after a number is divided by a divisor. The result has the same sign as the divisor. The right operand cannot be zero. For example, 11 MOD 4 is 3.'>
<E CAPTION='Integer Division (\)' VALUE='\' DESC='Divides two integer values. Use the \ (trailing slash) to separate the integers. The right operand cannot be zero. For example, 9 \ 4 is 2.'>
<E CAPTION='Exponent (^)' VALUE='^' DESC='Returns the result of a number raised to a power (exponent). Use the ^ (caret) to separate the number from the power. The left operand cannot be zero. For example, 2 ^ 3 is 8.'>
<E CAPTION='IS (EQUAL, EQ)' VALUE='IS' DESC='Performs a case-insensitive comparison of the two values and returns true if the values are identical.'>
<E CAPTION='IS NOT (NOT EQUAL, NEQ)' VALUE='IS NOT' DESC='Opposite behavior of <B>IS</B>.'>
<E CAPTION='CONTAINS' VALUE='CONTAINS' DESC='Checks to see if the value on the left is contained in the value on the right and returns true if it is.'>
<E CAPTION='GREATER THAN (GT)' VALUE='GT' DESC='Checks to see if the value on the left is greater than the value on the right and returns true if it is.'>
<E CAPTION='LESS THAN (LT)' VALUE='LT' DESC='Opposite behavior of greater than.'>
<E CAPTION='GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO (GTE)' VALUE='GTE' DESC='Checks to see if the value on the left is greater than or equal to the value on the right and returns true if it is.'>
<E CAPTION='LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO (LTE)' VALUE='LTE' DESC='Checks to see if the value on the left is less than or equal to the value on the right and returns true if it is.'>
<CAT CAPTION="Logical" DESC="" ICON="Elements">
<E CAPTION='NOT' VALUE='NOT' DESC='Reverses the value of an argument. For example, NOT TRUE is FALSE and vice versa.'>
<E CAPTION='AND' VALUE='AND' DESC='Returns TRUE if both arguments are TRUE; returns FALSE otherwise. For example TRUE AND TRUE is TRUE, but TRUE AND FALSE is FALSE.'>
<E CAPTION='OR' VALUE='OR' DESC='Returns TRUE if any of the arguments is TRUE; returns FALSE otherwise. For example TRUE OR FALSE is TRUE, but FALSE OR FALSE is FALSE.'>
<E CAPTION='Exclusive or-either (XOR)' VALUE='XOR' DESC='Exclusive or-either, or, but not both. Returns TRUE if the truth values of both arguments are different; returns FALSE otherwise. For example, TRUE XOR TRUE is FALSE, but TRUE XOR FALSE is TRUE.'>
<E CAPTION='Equivalence (EQV)' VALUE='EQV' DESC='Equivalence both true or both false. The EQV operator is the opposite of the XOR operator. For example, TRUE EQV TRUE is TRUE, but TRUE EQV FALSE is FALSE.'>
<E CAPTION='Implication (IMP)' VALUE='IMP' DESC='Implication. A IMP B is the truth value of the logical statement "If A Then B". A IMP B is FALSE only when A is TRUE and B is FALSE.'>
<E CAPTION='SERVER_SOFTWARE' VALUE='SERVER_SOFTWARE' DESC='The name and version of the information server software answering the request (and running the gateway). Format: name/version.'>
<E CAPTION='SERVER_NAME' VALUE='SERVER_NAME' DESC='The server's hostname, DNS alias, or IP address as it appears in self-referencing URLs.'>
<E CAPTION='GATEWAY_INTERFACE' VALUE='GATEWAY_INTERFACE' DESC='The revision of the CGI specification to which this server complies. Format: CGI/revision.'>
<E CAPTION='SERVER_PROTOCOL' VALUE='SERVER_PROTOCOL' DESC='The name and revision of the information protocol this request came in with. Format: protocol/revision.'>
<E CAPTION='SERVER_PORT' VALUE='SERVER_PORT' DESC='The port number to which the request was sent.'>
<E CAPTION='REQUEST_METHOD' VALUE='REQUEST_METHOD' DESC='The method with which the request was made. For HTTP, this "GET", "HEAD", "POST", etc.'>
<E CAPTION='PATH_INFO' VALUE='PATH_INFO' DESC='The extra path information, as given by the client. In other words, scripts can be accessed by their virtual pathname, followed by extra information at the end of this path. The extra information is sent as PATH_INFO.'>
<E CAPTION='PATH_TRANSLATED' VALUE='PATH_TRANSLATED' DESC='The server provides a translated version of PATH_INFO, which takes the path and does any virtual-to-physical mapping to it.'>
<E CAPTION='SCRIPT_NAME' VALUE='SCRIPT_NAME' DESC='A virtual path to the script being executed, used for self-referencing URLs.'>
<E CAPTION='QUERY_STRING' VALUE='QUERY_STRING' DESC='The query information that follows the ? in the URL that referenced this script.'>
<E CAPTION='REMOTE_HOST' VALUE='REMOTE_HOST' DESC='The hostname making the request. If the server does not have this information, it sets REMOTE_ADDR and leaves this unset.'>
<E CAPTION='REMOTE_ADDR' VALUE='REMOTE_ADDR' DESC='The IP address of the remote host making the request.'>
<E CAPTION='AUTH_TYPE' VALUE='AUTH_TYPE' DESC='If the server supports user authentication, and the script is protected, this is the protocol-specific authentication method used to validate the user.'>
<E CAPTION='REMOTE_USER' VALUE='REMOTE_USER' DESC='If the server supports user authentication, and the script is protected, this is the username they have authenticated as. (Also available as AUTH_USER.)'>
<E CAPTION='REMOTE_IDENT' VALUE='REMOTE_IDENT' DESC='If the HTTP server supports RFC 931 identification, then this variable is set to the remote user name retrieved from the server. Usage of this variable should be limited to logging only.'>
<E CAPTION='CONTENT_TYPE' VALUE='CONTENT_TYPE' DESC='For queries that have attached information, such as HTTP POST and PUT, this is the content type of the data.'>
<E CAPTION='CONTENT_LENGTH' VALUE='CONTENT_LENGTH' DESC='The length of the content as given by the client.'>
<E CAPTION='HTTP_ACCEPT' VALUE='HTTP_ACCEPT' DESC='List of Content-types the browser can accept (defined by the HTTP Accept header).'>
<E CAPTION='HTTP_REFERER' VALUE='HTTP_REFERER' DESC='The referring document. The document that linked to or submitted form data.'>
<E CAPTION='HTTP_USER_AGENT' VALUE='HTTP_USER_AGENT' DESC='The browser the client is currently using to send the request. Format: software/version library/version.'>
<E CAPTION='Attributes' VALUE='Attributes' DESC='Returns file attributes, if applicable.'>
<E CAPTION='DateLastModified' VALUE='DateLastModified' DESC='Returns the date an entry was last modified.'>
<E CAPTION='Mode' VALUE='Mode' DESC='(Solaris only) The octal value representing the permissions setting for the specified directory. For information about octal values, refer to the UNIX man pages for the chmod shell command.'>
<E CAPTION='Name' VALUE='Name' DESC='Returns the directory or file entry name.'>
<E CAPTION='Size' VALUE='Size' DESC='Returns the size of directory or file entry.'>
<E CAPTION='Type' VALUE='Type' DESC='Returns entry type: F for File, D for Directory.'>
<E CAPTION='Browser' VALUE='Error.Browser' DESC='Browser that was running when the error occurred.'>
<E CAPTION='DateTime' VALUE='Error.DateTime' DESC='Date and time when the error occurred.'>
<E CAPTION='Diagnostics' VALUE='Error.Diagnostics' DESC='Detailed error diagnostics from the ColdFusion Engine.'>
<E CAPTION='HTTPReferer' VALUE='Error.HTTPReferer' DESC='Page from which the client accessed the link to the page where the error occurred.'>
<E CAPTION='MailTo' VALUE='Error.MailTo' DESC='Email address of administrator who should be notified (corresponds to the value set in the MAILTO attribute of CFERROR).'>
<E CAPTION='QueryString' VALUE='Error.QueryString' DESC='URL query string of the client request.'>
<E CAPTION='RemoteAddress' VALUE='Error.RemoteAddress' DESC='IP address of the remote client.'>
<E CAPTION='Template' VALUE='Error.Template' DESC='Page being executed when the error occurred.'>
<E CAPTION='AttemptedServerFile' VALUE='File.AttemptedServerFile' DESC='Specifies whether or not ColdFusion attempted to save a file. Indicates Yes or No.'>
<E CAPTION='ClientDirectory' VALUE='File.ClientDirectory' DESC='Full path of the uploaded file on the clientís system.'>
<E CAPTION='ClientFile' VALUE='File.ClientFile' DESC='Filename of the uploaded file on the clientís system.'>
<E CAPTION='ClientFileExt' VALUE='File.ClientFileExt' DESC='Extension of the uploaded file on the clientís system without a period.'>
<E CAPTION='ClientFileName' VALUE='File.ClientFileName' DESC='Filename without an extension of the uploaded file on the clientís system.'>
<E CAPTION='ContentSubType' VALUE='File.ContentSubType' DESC='MIME content subtype of the saved file.'>
<E CAPTION='ContentType' VALUE='File.ContentType' DESC='MIME content type of the saved file.'>
<E CAPTION='DateLastAccessed' VALUE='File.DateLastAccessed' DESC='Date and time the uploaded file was last accessed.'>
<E CAPTION='FileExisted' VALUE='File.FileExisted' DESC='Specifies whether or not the file already existed with the same path. Indicates Yes or No.'>
<E CAPTION='FileSize' VALUE='File.FileSize' DESC='Size of the uploaded file.'>
<E CAPTION='FileWasAppended' VALUE='File.FileWasAppended' DESC='Specifies whether or not ColdFusion appended a file to an existing file. Indicates Yes or No.'>
<E CAPTION='FileWasOverwritten' VALUE='File.FileWasOverwritten' DESC='Specifies whether or not ColdFusion overwrote a file. Indicates Yes or No.'>
<E CAPTION='FileWasRenamed' VALUE='File.FileWasRenamed' DESC='Specifies whether or not the uploaded file was renamed to avoid a name conflict. Indicates Yes or No.'>
<E CAPTION='FileWasSaved' VALUE='File.FileWasSaved' DESC='Specifies whether or not ColdFusion saved a file. Indicates Yes or No.'>
<E CAPTION='OldFileSize' VALUE='File.OldFileSize' DESC='Size of a file that was overwritten in the file upload operation.'>
<E CAPTION='ServerDirectory' VALUE='File.ServerDirectory' DESC='Full path of the file actually saved.'>
<E CAPTION='ServerFile' VALUE='File.ServerFile' DESC='Filename of the file actually saved.'>
<E CAPTION='ServerFileExt' VALUE='File.ServerFileExt' DESC='Extension of the uploaded file on the server, without a period, for example, txt not .txt.'>
<E CAPTION='ServerFileName' VALUE='File.ServerFileName' DESC='Filename, without an extension, of the uploaded file on the server.'>
<E CAPTION='TimeCreated' VALUE='File.TimeCreated' DESC='Time the uploaded file was created.'>
<E CAPTION='TimeLastModified' VALUE='File.TimeLastModified' DESC='Date and time of the last modification to the uploaded file.'>
<E CAPTION='Attachments' VALUE='Attachments' DESC='Contains a tab-separated list of all original attachment names when ACTION=GETALL.'>
<E CAPTION='AttachmentFiles' VALUE='AttachmentFiles' DESC='Contains a tab-separated list of the actual temporary filenames written to the server when ACTION=GETALL.'>
<E CAPTION='Body' VALUE='CC' DESC='Body of message returned when ACTION=GETALL.'>
<E CAPTION='CC' VALUE='CC' DESC='CC value from message header.'>
<E CAPTION='Date' VALUE='Date' DESC='Date sent value from message header.'>
<E CAPTION='From' VALUE='From' DESC='From value from message header.'>
<E CAPTION='Header' VALUE='Header' DESC='Entire message header returned when ACTION=GETALL.'>
<E CAPTION='MessageNumber' VALUE='MessageNumber' DESC='Sequential message number of message on POP server.'>
<E CAPTION='ReplyTo' VALUE='ReplyTo' DESC='ReplyTo value from message header.'>
<E CAPTION='Subject' VALUE='Subject' DESC='Subject value from message header.'>
<E CAPTION='To' VALUE='To' DESC='To value from message header.'>
<E CAPTION='Url' VALUE='Url' DESC='Returns the value of the URLPATH attribute defined in the CFINDEX tag used to populate the collection. This value is always empty when you populate the collection with CFINDEX when TYPE=CUSTOM.'>
<E CAPTION='Key' VALUE='Key' DESC='Returns the value of the KEY attribute defined in the CFINDEX tag used to populate the collection.'>
<E CAPTION='Title' VALUE='Title' DESC='Returns the value of the TITLE attribute defined by the <TITLE> HTML tag in any HTML or ColdFusion template file that was indexed by CFINDEX. If the collection was TYPE=CUSTOM, TITLE returns the value of the TITLE attribute defined by the CFINDEX tag. If the collection was TYPE=FILE, TITLE also returns the value of the TITLE attribute defined by the CFINDEX tag.'>
<E CAPTION='Score' VALUE='Score' DESC='Returns the relevancy score of the document based on the search criteria.'>
<E CAPTION='Custom1' VALUE='Custom1' DESC='Returns the value of the first custom field.'>
<E CAPTION='Custom2' VALUE='Custom2' DESC='Returns the value of the second custom field.'>
<E CAPTION='ColumnList' VALUE='ColumnList' DESC='Returns the column list.'>
<E CAPTION='CurrentRow' VALUE='CurrentRow' DESC='Current row in the CFQUERY result set.'>
<E CAPTION='RecordCount' VALUE='RecordCount' DESC='Total number of matches found.'>
<E CAPTION='RecordsSearched' VALUE='RecordsSearched' DESC='Total number of entries searched within collection.'>
<E CAPTION='Summary' VALUE='Summary' DESC='Contents of the automatic summary generated by CFINDEX.'>
<E CAPTION='Client.CFID' VALUE='Client.CFID' DESC='Unique client ID. Part of the session key.'>
<E CAPTION='Client.CFToken' VALUE='Client.CFToken' DESC='Unique ID. Part of the session key.'>
<E CAPTION='Client.HitCount' VALUE='Client.HitCount' DESC='Number of client visits.'>
<E CAPTION='Client.LastVisit' VALUE='Client.LastVisit' DESC='Date and time of the last visit.'>
<E CAPTION='Client.TimeCreated' VALUE='Client.TimeCreated' DESC='CFID creation date and time.'>
<E CAPTION='Client.URLToken' VALUE='Client.URLToken' DESC='CFID combined with CFToken.'>
<CAT CAPTION="ColdFusion Application Variables" DESC="There are no standard Application variables. These are developer-defined and application specific." ICON="Elements">
<E CAPTION='' VALUE='' DESC='There are no standard Application variables. These are developer-defined and application specific.'>